Test card


Y-Honey, fructose, glucose-speed test reagent

Product Instructions

1. Detection principle

    In the honey, the fructose and glucose react with the reagent colored compounds, using the visual colorimetric analysis method, directly read the content of fructose and glucose on the color card.

2. Qualification: Measuring limit: 40% of the measuring, test range: 0-60%

3. Required reagents: fructose, glucose reagent

4. Sample processing: If no crystallization of honey, the honey and mix; If honey has crystallized, they may also be appropriate to take samples of honey (as long as less than 0.5 grams can) to the test tube and heated in a water bath to melted, cooled to room temperature use.

5. Detection steps:

5.1 with 0.2 ml plastic pipette to take samples of honey dripping dropping a test tube, then add 2 ml of distilled water (or pure water), cover tightly, shake up and down 30 times.

5.2 with 0.2 ml plastic pipette the diluted sample solution, test tube to another branch in dropping a drop. Dropping 10 drops of fructose, glucose kit, cover tightly, shake about 5 times.

5.3 The sample color tube into boiling water bath for 5 minutes, remove, then add 1.5 ml of distilled water (or pure water), cover tightly, shake up and down 3 times. Tube and the sample color fructose, glucose Levels card comparison, you can read samples of fructose, glucose levels.

6. Storage conditions and expiry date: reagents stored at room temperature, valid for one year.





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