Catchiness are the principal
constituents of tea polyphones China tea is rich in catechines, the
content is leaves is about 15-20% of dry weight.
Catechins complex is consist
of six complex is six compounds which are (—)-Epigallocatechin
gallate (EGCG), (—)-Epicatechin gallate (EGC), -Epicatechin, (±)-gallocatechine
(±GC), (±)-Catechine (±C).
we Produces the milk-white
or light-yellow catechins powder extracted from China tea by modem
high new technique. According to the quality degree, the content of
total catechins varies from 40% to 85%, It is higher than 70% in most
products in which the content of total tea polyphenols is about
In recent years, some
countries, such as Japan, China, U.S.A., Germany, France and India
etc., have done a great deal of research works concerning the
pharmacological functions of catechines. It is confirmed that
catechines have following special health-keeping efficacy:
1. Prevent carcincgenicity,
anti-mutagenicity and anti-tremor
Catechines can conspicuously
prevent and inhibit deformity, tumor and many kinds of cancer such as
gullet cancer, duodenal cancer, colon cancer, gastric carcinoma,
hepatocele, Skin cancer, and pancreas cancer induced by aflatoxin B1,
benzo (α) pyrene, (+)-7β, 8α-dihydroxy-9α, 10α-epoxy-7,8,9,10-terrahydrobenxo
(α)pyrene, 3-methylcholanthrene diethynitrosamine, nirous sodirm, N-nirroso-bis
(2-oxoplopyl) amine and Geigiers. Catechins can also assuage the
aftereffect of some anticancer chemical medicanments such as
cis-diamminedichoro platinum(CDDP).
2. Lowering blood pressure,
hypolipidemic, anticoagulant and slimming effects
Catechins can suppress the
action of angiotensin I enzyme and reduce the concentrations of
cholestrol, triglyceride and glucose in blood. So it can effectively
prevent cardiovascular system disease and suppress adiposity caused by
ingesting too many lipid.
3. Antioxidation and antiaging
Catechines is a kind of very
effective antioxidant and cleaner of free bases, it can promote the
activities of antioxiding enzyme system such as superoxide dismutase
(SOD), glutathione peroxidase, and effectively prevent and inhibit the
peroxidation of lipid to antiaging. It can be used as high performance
natural antioxidant and anti-aging agent on cosmetics and health food.
4. Antibacterial action:
Catechines can effectively
inhibit many kinds of foodborne bacterial, such as Clostridirm
botulinum, Staphylococcus aureus, C. prefringens, Bacillus cereus,
Aeromonas sobria and Plesiomcns Shigelloids etc., and the activity of
bacterial toxins such as Staphylococcus aureusα -toxin, Vibra
parahaemolyticrs, Haemolysin, cholera toxin and cholera hemolysin, So,
catechins can prevent and cure the disease induced by these bacterials
or toxins.
5. Preventing and curing
cariosity, Deodorant activity.
Catechines can not only
disinfcct strcptococcus mutans, but also inhibit the glucosylase
disenthralling from cariogenic baterials. So, it is remark-able
efficacy of preventing and curing cariosity. Tea catechins have very
strong deodorant activity (Especially against mouth odor, SH-compounds
removal) which is better than synthesized chemicals, so, it is a very
good raw material for manufacturing health tooth-paste and chewing
6. Anti-AIDs
Catechines (EGCG,ECG) are the
strong inhibitors not only for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
reverse transcriptase but also for variouse DNA and RNA polymerases.
So they can effectively prevent AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency
Catechines are natural,
multi-functional, marvelous health-keeping materials, which can used
for prevent and cure above disease.
Due to above described
advantages of tea polyphenols used as food antioxidant, Japan and
China have approved to use tea polyphenols as a new natural food
additive, it is widely popularized now. Tea polyphenols is much better
than synthetic antioxidant duo to its natural, high performance, non-toxiciy
and proper price characters together with their healthcase effects.