


HomepageInstant Teatea polyphenolstea winetea flower

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Natural and High Performance Food Antioxidant

  When used as the natural antioxidant of lipid and lipid-containing foods, tea polyphenols has following advantages:
  1, Tea polyphones has so wide application extract that it is of high antioxiding activity in all lipid and lipid-containing foods, Its added amount is very little (about 0.01%-0.4% generally).
  2, the antioxiding activity is higher than BHA, BHT and VE. There exist cooperation between tea polyphenols and Vc, VE.
  3, Vitamins and carenoids is easy to loss. Activity under light, heat and oxygen, but tea polyhenols can enhance their stability in foods.
  4, The polyhenols is stable under acid and heat conditions.
  5, When tea polyphenols is used to antionxidant in high unsaturated fatty acids-containing oils (Such as DHA. EPA, AA, evening Primrose oil, fish oil and pumpkin seed oil), its affect is much high than VE However, BHT and BHA almost have little effect in this case.
  6, Tea polyphones can effectively inhibit many kinds of toxic microbes in foods such as Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella faxneri, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli etc.
  7, Tea polyphones can inhibit the formation of nitro amine which is a cancer-inducer, when it is used in the salted meat, the decreasing rate is about 50%-90%.
  8, Tea polyphenols has high safety coefficient. It is belong to actual non-toxicity determined by acute toxicity experiment, because LD 50 of female rat is 12.6g/kg, LD50 of male rate is 10.8g/kg. It has weak accumulation, the coefficient of accumulation is higher than 5.3. when the amount of tea polyphones is 0.73g/kg, it hasn’t harm to the micronucleus rate of PEC in the bone marrow. In the distortion analysis of reproductive cells, when the amount tea polyphones is 0.79g/kg, it does not induce distortion of tar’s primary sperm mother-cell.

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